A. Sutherland
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  • A. Sutherland 
  • Lebensstil 
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Andrew Sutherland is a finance enthusiast with seventeen years of experience in the industry. After obtaining his law degree from the University of Virginia in 1995, Andrew became a derivatives technologist for Citibank in New York. From New York, he moved to London, where he became a structured products trader for Citi, working with interest rate products and FX. He has since become a front-office technology expert, leading teams to develop complex front-office systems for a variety of institutions, including Barclays and HSBC. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

Jason Court is a director of boutique consultancy Jmoni Limited. He started his career in the City of London in 1986 working in operations for Midland Bank International (now HSBC) before moving into corporate treasury sales, specialising in rates and foreign exchange. In the mid-1990s he moved into information technology as an analyst, leveraging his detailed front to back process and product knowledge. He has worked at Baring Brothers (now ING Barings) in debt derivatives, Merrill Lynch (now Bank America Merrill Lynch) where he was Head of Emerging Markets Technology, and Credit Suisse where he ran equity derivatives technology in EMEA. He is an avid cricket fan, and when not working enjoys spending time at the Oval watching Surrey CCC with his three children.

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