Aaron Tredway
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  • Aaron Tredway 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
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Pastor. Author. Coach. Husband. Father. Friend. Aaron Tredway is passionate about living life to its fullest and pushing beyond the boundaries of everyday life through adventure.              As the vice president for Ambassadors Football International, Aaron has traveled to over 140 countries and has personally trained over five thousand soccer coaches in developing and emerging nations, teaching them how to create social impact and transformation through the platform of soccer.              In 2006, Aaron was the founder and executive director of the Cleveland City Stars, a professional soccer team. After a twenty-year professional soccer career as a player, coach, and executive, Aaron now serves as the lead pastor of Fellowship City Church, a growing multisite church in Cleveland, Ohio. Aaron is a sought-after speaker and consultant on the subject of leadership and has presented to several Fortune 500 companies. He also continues to mentor dozens of professional athletes around the world.              A graduate of Liberty University and California State University, Stanislaus, Aaron holds two degrees in physical education and two degrees in theology, including a doctorate of ministry.              Aaron published his first book, To Who: A Competition for Glory, in conjunction with the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. To Who has sold over one hundred thousand copies to date and has been published on three continents. In 2016, Aaron released his second book, Outrageous: Awake to the Unexpected Adventures of Everyday Faith, which highlights Aaron's belief that we all have an opportunity to wake up to a life far more exciting than we imagine. He would much rather spend his time and energy traveling to the world's most remote, underserved areas with a soccer ball than lead a safe life without purpose.              He and his wife, Ginny, reside in Cleveland, Ohio, with their son, Noah.