Adam Hay-Nicholls
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  • Adam Hay-Nicholls 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Lebensstil 
  • Leeren

Born in Winchester, England, in 1981, Adam Hay-Nicholls attended his first motor race at Brands Hatch in 1989 and has worked in Formula One as a journalist since 2005, initially for The Red Bulletin. He has been the F1 correspondent for the UK's Metro newspaper since 2006, and additionally writes about cars and luxury travel for titles which include GQ, Country Life, the Sunday Telegraph and The Sunday Times Magazine. His previous books include Formula 1: The Definitive Visual Guide, published by Dorling Kindersley in 2009, and Smoke & Mirrors: Cars, Photography and Dreams of the Open Road, published by Hoxton Mini Press in 2020. Adam lives in Pimlico, London.