Adolf Peter
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  • Adolf Peter 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren
Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Adolf Peter is Associate Professor at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL), Independent Arbitrator and President of the European-Chinese Belt and Road Initiative Association (ECBRIA) which is seated in Austria. He holds two Ph.D. and several master degrees in Law, Business Ethics and Religious Science and an LL.M. degree in South East European Law and European Integration (University of Graz, Austria). As a lawyer, Dr. Peter gained extensive experience both in common (in particular English, US and Singapore law) and civil law (in particular Austrian, German, European and Chinese law) in international law firms in Singapore, Austria and the USA. Dr. Peter’s main areas of activity are International Arbitration, Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in China, Singapore, Austria (EU) and the USA. Moreover, Dr. Peter is Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb), Fellow of the Austrian-Chinese Legal Society, Fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (FAIADR) and Fellow of the Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Center (BIAMC). He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and the Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAut). Furthermore, he is a committee member of the SIArb Publications & Website Committee.