Alexander Karminsky
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  • Alexander Karminsky 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren

Prof. Alexander Karminsky is a trained mathematician and Doctor of Economics. After 15 years in the banking sector, Dr. Karminsky is currently employed as Professor of Department of Finance at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow (HSE) and was Senior Research Fellow at the HSE International Laboratory of Quantitative Finance.  Prof. Karminsky is on the editorial board of several scientific journals in Russia and abroad. He is the author of 25+ books and 200+ articles on banking, risk management, econometrics as well as on  IT and controlling.

Andrey Polozov holds a Doctor of Education from the Ural Federal University (Russia, Moscow) on the topic of "Information Management Model of competitive activity." Andrey Polozov is active in the economics of sports, forecasting results in team sports, and monitoring sporting achievements. He is also a Scientific Advisor to the complex scientific group Russian national futsal and football.