Allan Cole
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  • Allan Cole 
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ALLAN COLE is a best-selling author, screenwriter and former prize-winning newsman. The son of a CIA operative, Cole was raised in Europe and the Far East. For details see Allan's website at Here's what critics have said about Cole's work: The Sten Series: Landmark science fiction -Publishers Weekly; When The Gods Slept: Page turner of the year - Locus; The Far Kingdoms Series: Glorious... Swashbuckling - Locus; A Reckoning For Kings: Classic war novel - SF Chronicle; Lucky In Cyprus - A haunting, enlightening experience -; A Cop's Life: Must read by anyone with a badge - Philadelphia Fraternal Order Of Police. And be sure to stop by his weekly blog, My Hollywood MisAdventures ( about his crazy years as a screenwriter with his late partner, Chris Bunch.