Amy Mecham
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  • Amy Mecham 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

Amy Mecham currently enjoys teaching middle school English at a Christian school in Omaha, Nebraska. Her love of education grew while homeschooling her four eldest children for ten years. God called her back to graduate school, where she obtained her master's degree in education, leading her to obtain her teaching license. God went before her, knowing she would need to provide for her family. Finding herself a bit bored during the quarantine of spring 2020, Amy began her doctorate in education and earned it in December 2022. Amy's blog,, continues to bless others through her weekly devotions. She thoroughly enjoys spending time with her family and devotes her time to reading, music, and painting. Dreaming of living on a beach, Amy's not sure what she wants to do when she grows up! She'll remain trusting God for her every breath.