Angela Ray Rodgers
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  • Angela Ray Rodgers 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren

Angela Ray Rodgers was born and raised in Liberty, Kentucky. She graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Science in Middle Grades Education specializing in Science and Social Studies and with a Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership.  Angela is happily married to her husband, Jeff, and mom to two wonderful children, Isaiah, and Grace Anna. Angela and her family currently reside near Dunnville, Kentucky where they are members of Thomas Ridge Church. Angela taught for twelve years before beginning a new chapter in her life, being an advocate for her daughter Grace Anna and other children with disabilities.  She founded the Partnership for Leadership and Advocacy Network in her local community as well as becoming a leader through the ARC of Kentucky's Advocates in Action program.  Angela is also involved with charities that help veterans. She and Isaiah also developed the Graciebug Bundles of Love program that creates gift baskets for children with long hospital stays and their families. Before the birth of her daughter Grace Anna, Angela experienced heartbreaking loss that left her seeking God's guidance and healing to make it through each day. Upon the birth of Grace Anna, Angela's direction and plans became very different, she and her family have gone through incredible highs and heartbreaking lows.  Through it all God has been their refuge and blessed them with amazing, joyful lives.   She seeks the guidance of God through every aspect of her life and holds to His promises.  Grace Anna's inspirational journey has touched millions across the world, Angela felt everyone needed to know the entire story from the beginning.