Angels Navarro
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  • Angels Navarro 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren

Àngels Navarro is a Catalan play therapist and psychomotor education specialist. Known as one of the most comprehensive specialists in games of wit and mind training, she is a regular contributor of El Periódico de Catalunya, Barcelona's daily newspaper, as well as Escuela and Cavall Fort children's magazines. Àngels is also the author of over 100 books that have been translated and sold in 26 countries worldwide, including The 10 Best Games of All Time, My First Letters, I See All, and several more. The creator of game kits for children, including Build Puppets at the Theatre, Animal Balloons for Parties, Dressing Dolls with Magnetic Clothing, and Make Your Own Bag, Àngels has also produced TV programs and online games for children. To learn more about Àngels and her work, visit