Anoushka Lee
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  • Anoushka Lee 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Gesellschafts- und Liebesromane 
  • Leeren

Bound to the fulfilment of desire, Anoushka Lee writes super provocative erotica with vivid evocation, calling upon personal experiences of the real and the fantastical… dipping into the nonsensical and extraterrestrial. Also known by her closest lovers as 'Ana Lee', she is anally curious, sensually deviant and liquid obsessed (Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, of course). Simply provocative, her stories will intimately take you right into the minds and bodies of her characters, often with queerly surreal twists and turns to keep your nipples on edge. BERLINABLE is not simply a publisher, we are a community. We create a network of people who are connected by their need to be free and explore their sexuality. Our talented authors either write from experience or are pro connoisseurs of their writing topics. This authenticity is what makes our books so special.