Attila Sipos
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  • Attila Sipos 
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Prof. Attila Sipos, PhD. (ELTE), Adv. LL.M. (Leiden), is currently the Faculty Member of the Master’s Program in Air and Space Law at the University of Sharjah (UOS) in the UAE. He worked for Malév Hungarian Airlines in various positions such as Flight Operation and Navigation Officer, Commercial and Industry Affairs Advisor, Chief Advisor to CEO and Legal Director (1989-2004). Subsequently, he was the Permanent Representative of Hungary on the Council of ICAO (2004-2007) and the Vice-President of the Council of ICAO (2006-2007). He was employed by the Hungarian Air Navigation Service Provider (HungaroControl) as Legal and Alliance Director, later Legal Advisor to the CEO (2008-2014).