Aviad Sar Shalom
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Aviad Sar Shalom is environmental and urban planner, senior practitioner in geography, lecturer and writer. He took part in some of the most significant planning projects in Israel over the past two decades and is a LEED Accredited Professional with a Neighborhood Development Specialty. Aviad Sar Shalom has a M.A. in Geography and Urban Planning from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

Irit Amit-Cohen, Professor (Emeritus), was the Head of the Department of Geography and Environment, at the Bar Ilan University in Israel. She was the head of the graduate program "Conservation, Planning and Development of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Landscape" in the years 1908 – 1919, and the President of ICOMOS in Israel, 1913 – 1919. After obtaining her bachelor's degree in Geography and Comparative literature she also graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a master's degree and PhD. in Historical Geography. She is currently a member of the executive committee of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel and chief editor of a yearly magazine: 'Sites – The Magazine'.

Rachel Singer has worked with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and the European Union Designing Safer Urban Spaces project. Rachel has published a number of academic papers, book chapters, contributed to professional research and worked as an editor and translator. She holds graduate degrees in Urban Design from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design as well as the Conservation of Material Culture from Haifa University and has a B.A. in Geography, Planning, and Environment from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Avi (Avraham) Sasson is a Senior Lecturer at Ashkelon Academic College, in the Department of Land of Israel Studies. He served as Head of this department for a decade until 2003. Dr. Sasson completed his MA and PhD at Bar Ilan University. His fields of specialization are the material culture and historical geography of the Land of Israel in modern times and the development of holy sites in Israel. Dr. Sasson contributed towards a number of books, both as an author and as an editor. He is a member of the Committee for Site Preservation in Israel and has written a number of research reports on Historical Buildings and Sites in Israel.