Benjamin Bahr
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  • Benjamin Bahr 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

Dr. Benjamin Bahr is a quantum gravity researcher at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He and his research group work on a unification of Einstein's theory of general relativity with the principles of quantum physics. Before that, he did his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, and was a research fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. When he is not trying to calculate what goes on inside a black hole, or what happened at the Big Bang, he likes to explain physics to laypeople – by giving public talks, or writing popular science books.

Dr. Boris Lemmer is an experimental elementary particle physicist, working at the University of Göttingen and on the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. Before doing his PhD in Göttingen, he studied physics and mathematics in Gießen. He does not only love science, but also explaining it to laymen, either in books, in talks or on stage. In 2011, he won the German Science Slam championship.

Rina Piccolo’s cartoons have appeared in numerous magazines including The New Yorker, Barron's Business Magazine, The Reader’s Digest, Parade Magazine, and more.Her daily comic strip “Tina’s Groove” is syndicated in newspapers and websites worldwide.