Bobbie Cox
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  • Bobbie Cox 
  • Sprachen: 2 
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Bobbie Cox is a never-say-never entrepreneur with a biblical counseling certification. She is an ambassador of encouragement with a passion to encourage people to intentionally change their habits for a better way of life by living the fruit of the Spirit, walking with Jesus' in their everyday lives, and modeling his character. These small changes transform not only our lives but the lives of others, reaping blessings that far exceed our imagination.   To amplify her mission, Bobbie is devoted to pen the whispers of Jesus' heart each day. Her soulful longing is to encourage others to be diligent, daily prayer warriors and for millions to pause and pray in unity each day at 1:11 p.m., igniting a prayer movement that can transform our land and establishing that the power of praying together can make a difference.   Bobbie lives in the quaint town of Grapevine, Texas, and has one daughter, Ashley, a son-in-love, Blake, and two adorable granddogs.