Brian Harvey
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  • Brian Harvey 
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Brian Harvey has been a writer and broadcaster on spaceflight since the early 1970s. His articles have appeared in Spaceflight, Space Chronicle, Quest, Orbit, Astronomy & Space, Go Taikonauts! and ROOM.  He has contributed to radio programs on BBC (Radio 4, Radio 5, World Service, Northern Ireland), Voice of American, Radio Free Europe, Future tense (Australia) and to television and film programs for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Discovery Channel, Danish TV and China CCTV (Dialogue - ideas matter). His first book was a history of the Soviet space program (Ellis Horwood, 1988), with three subsequent editions; followed by histories of Soviet lunar exploration, Soviet planetary exploration, Russian space science, the American Explorer program as well as histories of the European, Japanese and Indian space programs (all published by Praxis, later Praxis/Springer).  He has written four histories of China’s space program, the most recent also published in Chinese.  He contributed chapters to Space Sleuths (Praxis, 2012) and a book on Yuri Galperin, published by the Academy of Sciences in Moscow (2012).