Cadwell Turnbull
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  • Cadwell Turnbull 
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Cadwell Turnbull is the author of The Lesson. He is a graduate from the North Carolina State University's Creative Writing MFA in Fiction and English MA in Linguistics. Turnbull is also a graduate of Clarion West 2016. His short fiction has appeared in The Verge, Lightspeed, Nightmare, and Asimov's Science Fiction and a number of anthologies. His Nightmare story "Loneliness is in Your Blood" was selected for The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018. His Lightspeed story "Jump" was selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2019 and was featured on LeVar Burton Reads. His debut novel The Lesson is a finalist for the Neukom Institute Literary Award. It has also been shortlisted for VCU Cabell Award and longlisted for the Massachusetts Book Award. Turnbull teaches creative writing at North Carolina State University.