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  • Calwius 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Ratgeber 
  • Leeren

The author, a native of picturesque Calw in Germany's Black Forest, is not only a passionate scientist but also a profound thinker. His studies in physics at the renowned University of Tübingen formed the solid foundation for his impressive academic and professional career. But he did not limit himself to formal physics. In Tübingen, he did his doctorate on the philosophical problems of quantum mechanics – a combination of science and philosophy that is rare and fascinating. His insatiable thirst for knowledge led him to the Centre for Drug Design and Development in Brisbane, Australia. He spent two years there as a research assistant, deepening his knowledge of the interface between science, medicine and innovative design. After his time in Australia, he returned to Germany and devoted 18 valuable years of his expertise to one of the most renowned medical institutes in Europe, Charité Berlin. During this time he was able to gain not only scientific knowledge but also practical experience in clinical application. As a medical physicist and radiation protection officer, he has not only worked as an employee in leading practices and hospitals, but also as a freelancer. This combination of theory and practice, of research and application, gives him a unique perspective on science and its role in society. In the last three years, he has discovered his passion for writing profound and critical reflections on science and philosophy as a freelance author. His latest work, Nature Does Not Answer, is a testament to his extensive knowledge and ability to present complex topics in an understandable and engaging way. With such an impressive and varied career, our author is undoubtedly well-equipped to guide us through the intertwined paths of science, philosophy and society.