Cathy Hackl
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  • Cathy Hackl 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

CATHY HACKL is a tech and gaming executive, futurist, podcast host and keynote speaker. She's the CEO of Spatial Dynamics, a spatial computing & AI solutions company, and an expert in augmented reality, spatial computing, AI hardware, wearables, gaming, virtual world strategies, Generation Alpha and strategic foresight. Known in tech circles as the Godmother of the Metaverse, Hackl has been a fixture in the emerging tech industry for almost a decade. IRENA CRONIN, MBA, is SVP of Product at DADOS Technology and CEO of Infinite Retina. She is an expert in immersive technologies--including augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence--and the lead author of The Infinite Retina: Spatial Computing, Augmented Reality, and How a Collision of New Technologies Are Bringing About the Next Tech Revolution.