Claudia Hesseler
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  • Claudia Hesseler 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren

Claudia Hesseler – Shaman, Author, and Pioneer of Archaic Medicine. Her journey began over a decade ago with the founding of Orenda Practice, a space for healing and spiritual transformation. As a guardian of ancient wisdom and a healing practitioner, she uniquely blends tradition with modern approaches. Claudia's creative force is not confined to the practice but extends to a myriad of books, reflecting her deep connection to archaic medicine. From comprehensive health guides to heartfelt shamanic narratives, each work is a mosaic of her rich experiences and dedication to the well-being of people. Her books are more than mere words on paper; they are gateways to a world where healing emanates from within. Claudia's empathetic approach to shamanic practice is evident on every page, acting as a bridge between ancient healing methods and modern spirituality. However, Claudia is not just an author; she is also a teacher and guide. In her role as a shaman, she has accompanied countless individuals on their journey to inner healing. Her expertise spans from energetic body scans to healing journeys and profound ancestor healings. The Orenda Practice, under her visionary leadership, is not just a physical space but an energy center. Here, people come together to experience the healing power of archaic medicine. But Claudia goes further: members not only benefit from therapy sessions but also exclusive offerings, facilitating a comprehensive journey of personal development. Claudia Hesseler represents more than a shaman and author; she is a keeper of ancient wisdom in a modern world. In every line of her books and in every session at the Orenda Practice, she creates space for transformation and personal growth. Dive into Claudia's world, a realm where the boundaries between past and present blur, and the quest for healing becomes a profound journey—a journey she shares with every page and every ritual.