Claudine Schmuck
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  • Claudine Schmuck 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

Claudine Schmuck is the Founder and Associate Director of Global Contact, which provides management consulting to CEOs and decision makers with focus on innovation, NTIC and change management. She is also an expert working with the European Commission, and as such collaborates regularly with DG Research, and DG Connect to assess answers to calls for offers in the context of PCRD. Between 1990 and 2000, in addition to holding a senior position at Bull (leading French computer manufacturer) she taught NTIC for 10 years at the CELSA (Paris IV, Sorbonne) to students at Master and Doctorate level. The book “Introduction au multimedia”, published in 1995 by the AFNOR (French Standardization organization) reflected the content of these courses.