Daniel Mayer (Mexico City, 1956) is a researcher in the epistemology of biology, an organizational consultant, and a leadership educator. For decades he has reflected on the nature of organization, both of organisms and of organizations. This is the topic of this book. This project began in the 1980’s during ten years work (four as curator) at The Monkey Sanctuary, then a world-renowned center for conservation of Amazon woolly monkeys in the UK, and has continued during his career as a consultant and as an educator. He has read papers on these topics at the Annual Lonergan Symposium, at Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA), at the Annual International Gathering in Biosemiotics, and is a regular participant in the Leadership for Change conferences at the University of San Diego. From 2005 to 2019 he was Adjunct Faculty for the Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership at National University, San Diego CA. Founder and CEO of Living Leadership (livingleadership.online), he designs and implements experiential team methodologies for online teaching based on the group-relations approach. Married to Mexican author Vicky Nizri, they have two children and six grandchildren.