Danita Bye
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  • Danita Bye 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
  • Leeren

Danita Bye is founder and CEO of Sales Growth Specialists, a leadership and sales development firm that partners with business owners to improve sales performance as part of their growth strategy. These core strategies propel her clients' businesses to the next level through consulting, training, coaching, and recruiting. Danita gained valuable experience at Xerox Corporation in sales and later, as an owner and manager of a turnaround medical device sales team. She excelled as a sales person, but her greatest success was her ability to find and mentor young talent. Danita saw firsthand how character-based leadership can impact the bottom line as well as young professionals she coached. With a practical, rubber-meets-the-road style that focuses on values and character-based success, Danita strives to help experienced leaders gain an understanding of the importance of their role in shaping young leaders. Her vision is in energizing and equipping leaders of character with the skills and tools to coach millennials, our future leaders. She believes that leaders build leaders. Danita grew up on an isolated cattle ranch in rural North Dakota where she had strong mentors at home, church, and school. During those formative years, she learned about the value of the dollar, relationships, discipline, education, and faith. Danita's leadership drive and sales management successes are rooted in her invaluable experiences on the ranch.  Millennials Matter is an integration of principles gathered during Danita's years in sales and coaching and of her spiritual passion, which inspired her to author Letters From the King: A Devotional Parable of Spiritual Discovery.  Danita writes a leadership blog at www.DanitaBye.com, which provides tips, tools, and talk tracks for those who mentor emerging leaders. Committed to development of the next generation of leaders, Danita serves on the board of directors for two private Christian universities and The North Dakota Economic Development Foundation. She holds a master's degree in Transformational Leadership from Bethel University and a bachelor's degree in Pre-Med from the University of Sioux Falls. Danita and her husband, Gordon, have been married for over thirty years and live in Stanley, North Dakota. They have three Millennial children, Brittany, Westin, and Danae and are the proud grandparents of two active boys. Danita enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and traveling the globe to places such as China, Tanzania, France, and Panama.