Danny King
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  • Danny King 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

Danny King is an award-winning British novelist and screenwriter. Born in Slough in 1969, he has worked on building sites and in offices, shops and on streets and today uses this rich tapestry of experiences to dodge all of the aforementioned. He has written over a dozen books as well as screenplays for both the big and small screens as well as the stage. His first book, The Burglar Diaries, won the 2002 Amazon.co.uk Writers' Bursary Award and was the basis of his BBC sitcom, Thieves Like Us (2007). His first feature film, Wild Bill, won both the 2012 Writers' Guild of Great Britain Award and a BAFTA nomination for Outstanding Debut. His second feature film, Eat Locals, was released in 2017 and is available on Prime and DVD/Blu-ray. He lives in Chichester, West Sussex with wife and four children, and divides his time between writing and wondering what to write about. Find and follow him on Facebook and Instagram at 'Danny King books'.