Daryl Kulak
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  • Daryl Kulak 
  • Sprachen: 2 
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Daryl Kulak is an executive consultant with Pillar Technology in Columbus, Ohio. He has played almost every role on the software development team, from programmer to business analyst to architect to methodologist to tester to manager. Daryl has helped dozens of organizations in making the transition to Agile, and worked on his first iterative and incremental project in 1998 (before the Agile term was coined).

Dr. Hong Li is a senior consultant working in Columbus, Ohio. He was born in China and was one of the lucky ones to survive the Cultural Revolution. He attended Purdue University and University of Pittsburgh, attaining a PhD in Engineering and an MBA. Hong helps organizations with custom software development and data analytical solutions, using an Agile development lifecycle. Hong has done extensive research in the systems thinking field, particularly focusing on Robert Rosen's work with the M-R model and anticipatory systems.