David Lamka
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  • David Lamka 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

David Lamka Stockar is Swiss-Czech with a master's degree in law and a postgraduate degree in Transpersonal and Integral Psychology, a professional leadership coach, facilitator of multisectoral participatory processes, and international speaker. He co-founded the transformation company Beyond Be Extraordi-nary, which unleashes the potential of organizations and individuals to be extraordinary. Beyond was certified as a B Corp in 2019.David has spent more than 13 years accompanying the transformation of thousands of leaders in Europe and Latin America. He has worked with entrepreneurs and executives from the largest and most traditional companies, as well as the smallest and most innovative Start-ups. This trajectory allowed him to learn about the dreams of these organizations and their members, their challenges, and the nuances in their leadership styles that support or impede success. He currently resides in Ecuador and his life purpose is to enhance the positive impact of leaders in the World.