David Matusiewicz
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  • David Matusiewicz 
  • Fantasy und Science-Fiction 
  • Leeren

Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz is Dean and Director of the Institute for Health and Social Care at FOM University - one of the largest universities in Europe. With DXM Group, he invests in exponential technologies in healthcare. He co-founded 10xD, among others, and is also an author, editor, columnist, keynote speaker, and healthcare moderator. David Matusiewicz is one of the best-known voices of digital health in Germany. Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Werner, physician, hospital manager, and co-founder of the healthcare platform 10xD, is considered one of the pioneers of digitization in the German healthcare system (Süddeutsche Zeitung) and the best-known critics of medical care (Die Welt). Werner initiated the transformation of Essen University Medical Center into a smart hospital, visible throughout Germany, to make medicine better and more humane. Werner is a member of the Leopoldina.