David W. Walters
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  • David W. Walters 
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David Walters BA (Alberta), MSc (Bradford), PhD (Cranfield) is an Honorary Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Prior to this post he was a Professor of Management of Logistics and Supply Chain at ITLS, University of Sydney and subsequently an Honorary Professor. He has held posts at the Cranfield School of Management, Oxford University (Templeton College), UK, Macquarie University and the Western Sydney University (Sydney Graduate School of Management), Australia. He has published several textbooks on business and marketing subjects – most recently "Managing in the Value Chain Network" (2012) – and over 30 articles in academic journals. His teaching experience spans various continents and regions, including North America, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Additionally, he has served as a consultant for many international companies, e.g. AWA, BOC, CSR, British Oxygen Company, and Coates; and notable retailing organisations, e.g. Harrods, Laura Ashley, the Kingfisher Group, Storehouse, Marks and Spencer, and Tesco.

Deborah Helman BA (Leicester), MPhil (Cranfield), PhD (Birmingham) is a Professor of Sales and Marketing at the Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University, USA and Co-Managing Editor of the DeVry University Journal of Scholarly Research. Her research chiefly involves qualitative methods – focus groups, and case study development in both the business and academic contexts. She is a member of the American Marketing Association.