E. Allen Driggers
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  • E. Allen Driggers 
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E. Allen Driggers is an associate professor of history at Tennessee Technological University.  The last nine years or so have been a wild ride, but have produced the best of circumstances, such as his wife Dr. Laura Elizabeth Smith.  He has published one book about the history and chemistry of urinary stones at the turn of the nineteenth century entitled Early Nineteenth Century Chemistry and the Analysis of Urinary Stones.  He as published scholarly articles in Critical Philosophies of Race, Water History, The Journal of Medical Biography, The South Carolina Historical Magazine, and The History of Psychiatry.  With his co-author Laura Elizabeth Smith, he has published articles on the nature of race and the history of science in publications like Earth Science History, Journal of Sleep Research, and Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings.  He is an affiliated researcher with The Whiteside Museum of Natural History in Seymore, Texas.  Driggers is excited for his next trip to explore Texas! He is working on two new book length projects on the history of medicine and scientific societies in India and a history of the chemistry of inflammation.  He lives with his wife Laura, their daughter Millie, two dogs, and one cat in the former capital of the state of Tennessee:  Sparta.