Edil Torres Rivera
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  • Edil Torres Rivera 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
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Dr. Edil Torres Rivera is interested in multicultural counseling, group work, chaos theory, liberation psychology, technology, supervision, multicultural counseling, prisons, Puerto Rican studies, identity development, and gang-related behavior. Specifically, his primary research focuses on complexity and how indigenous healing techniques are a necessary ingredient when working with ethnic minority populations in the United States. Dr. Torres has additional interests in studying the implications of social injustice and oppression in counseling and psychotherapy with ethnic minorities, in particular, with school age Latinos/Latinas in the United States. His work has appeared in the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and DevelopmentJournal of Counseling and DevelopmentJournal of Addictions and Offender CounselingRadical Psychology JournalJournal of Humanistic CounselingEducation and DevelopmentIntervention in School and Clinic JournalCounselor Education and Supervision JournalJournal for Specialists in Group WorkJournal of Psychological Practice, Educational TechnologyComputers in the SchoolsCounseling and Values JournalJournal of Technology in Counseling, and the Canadian Journal of Counselling. He was part of the editorial boards of the Journal of Counseling and Development and Counselor Education and Supervision Journal/. Presently he serves in the editorial boards of the Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, the Canadian Journal of Counselling and he is the editor of the Interamerican Journal of Psychology..