Edward H. Tarr
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  • Edward H. Tarr 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren

Edward H. Tarr is a pioneer in the reintro - duction of historical brass instruments, and has made countless recordings on natural trumpet, low F trumpet, and cornett, whilst not neglect ing the modern instrument. He has toured all over the world, has been adviser to several musical instrument manufacturers, and has produced scholarly editions of many important trumpet concerti as well as a book, The Trumpet, published in German by Schott (ED 8871). His activities in the world of musical education include teaching historical trumpet at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and modern trumpet at the Basel Conservatory, as well as guest professor ships and master classes in places like Stockholm, Oslo, Copen hagen, Helsinki, Cracow, Moscow, Mel bourne, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Tallahassee, Messina, Lyons, Lucerne, and Vaduz. He is also a sought-after juror at major international competitions. Edward H. Tarr has been director of the Bad Säckingen Trum pet Museum since its inception in 1985.