Elisabetta Merlo
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  • Elisabetta Merlo 
  • Gesellschafts- und Liebesromane 
  • Leeren

Elisabetta Merlo is Associate Professor of Economic History at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), Department of Social and Political Sciences. Her research interests focus on the business history of fashion and the history of textile, clothing, and fashion industries. Her main publications include articles in Business History, Business History Review, Enterprise and Society, Journal of Consumer Culture, Fashion Theory, and Journal of Modern Italian Studies.

Ivan Paris is Full Professor of Economic History at the University of Brescia (Brescia, Italy), Department of Economics and Management. His research interests focus on the history of technology, the history of Made in Italy, the business history of fashion and the Italian Fashion System. His main publications include articles in Enterprise and Society, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Technology and Culture, History and Technology, European Review of History, and Journal of Modern Italian Studies.