Elisabetta Pasini
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  • Elisabetta Pasini 
  • Lebensstil 
  • Leeren

Elisabetta Pasini is a Jungian Psychoanalyst accredited at the Zurich C.G. Jung Institute for Analytical Psychology. With a Master in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics, in her professional career she got a significant experience on transcultural differences, change, innovation and creativity, that she developed in more than 15 years working and living in many different countries (UK, US, Latin America, Switzerland, Spain, Dubai). Based now in Milan, she is the Founder of The Flying Carpet Studio. She works as Personal Development Analyst at the IMD Business School in Lausanne, and has a long lasting collaboration with NAGA ONLUS in Milan to provide social, health and psychological assistance to refugees and asylum seekers.

Cinzia Trimboli is a psychologist with experience in corporate training and qualitative social and market research, where she has collaborated with market research institutions on the Italian and international scene since 2008. A PSOA (psycho-socioanalysis) consultant for individual and organizational development, she is passionate about social and organizational research aimed at exploring emerging dynamics related to change. Since 2018, she has collaborated with the Master Degree in HR Training and Development at the Bicocca University of Milan. In 2021 she joined The Flying Carpet Studio, founded by Elisabetta Pasini, driven by the desire to continue exploring ways through which to support individuals and groups in moments of change.