Elisabetta Reist
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  • Elisabetta Reist 
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I am Swiss, female, and live in Switzerland after having traveled the world and created a translations agency and a language school which I now ceded to a co-worker and her family. I used to be a professional translator but, suffering myself from heavy anxiety attacks, I was always on the look out for solutions to this problem. On my way to a joyful and happy life, I studied various methods and am now a certified instructor of EFT, Positive EFT, Quick Remap, Emotrance, LOA, Age Gate Therapy and SpringForestQiGong Master Healer. My passion is now helping others develop personally while assisting them with stress and anxiety-related concerns. My coaching services are available in English, Italian, German and French and to an extent, in Spanish. I have written various ebooks and print books, all dedicated to the growing community of anxiety sufferers.