Erin Brown Hollis
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  • Erin Brown Hollis 
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Erin Brown Hollis is a proud Bama girl, writer, speaker, lawyer, friend, lunchbox packer, boo-boo kisser, sweatpants-wearing momma to her two precious girls: Bellalise (age five)—a sweet, gentle-natured soul, and Annalise (age four, going on fourteen)—the life of every party. She met her husband, Marshall, during law school and drug that Cajun boy back to the Heart of Dixie, a place he now proudly calls home as well. They live in Birmingham, where their dining room is currently being used for laundry overflow. Outside of writing, Erin's hobbies include scrapbooking, playing tennis, watching Friends marathons, crafting, cooking with her girls, and having a clean fridge—an outright miracle worth celebrating these days. When she isn't attending toddler tea parties or wiping up spaghetti stains, you can find Erin writing on her blog: and on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest @erinbrownhollis. She welcomes all moms to find a community of love and acceptance on her site, where she shares recipes, crafts, and encouragement weekly. She believes that all moms, no matter their story, are amazing and loves to see them pursuing their passions, whether that be in a Mommy and Me Zumba class or the center of the boardroom in a pair of killer stilettos. Lastly, and probably most importantly, she believes in making every day a celebration—so if you haven't found a reason to celebrate yet today, tell ′em Erin told you to live it up, girl!