Fang Li
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  • Fang Li 
  • Fantasy und Science-Fiction 
  • Leeren

Fang Li is a Research Scientist of Worcester Polytechnic institute (WPI) and a Fellow of Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). She is also the current board director of SFPE. She started the SFPE China Chapter in 2006 as its President, which has received over five awards from SFPE Headquarters during this period. She was one of the pioneers  to advocate Performance Based Design (PBD) in China from United State and was awarded the Silver by Ministry of Security Science and Technology Division for the “Technical Guideline of Performance Based Design” as the team member. Fang Li holds the master degree of Fire Protection Engineering from WPI and has worked on a number of high profile projects throughout Asia, including the 520 meter Shanghai Center Project, Shanghai Disney Theme Park, the Beijing Universal Theme Park and the Shanghai 2010 Expo China Pavilion projects. Ms. Li has worked for RJA (now part of the Jensen Hughes) as the Senior Vice president. Prior joining RJA, she had worked for NFPA as the engineering intern. She is the first person introducing the performance-based design concept and method to China and established the fire protection consulting service in China, she is also the key player to convince the Macao Fire department to use the IBC for the Las Vegas based Venetian, MGH and Wynn developer for their large scale projects in Macao and introducing the third party service. She also developed the recognized third-party service for the international hotel brand throughout China. She is also the author or co-author of several books published by Springer including the large transportation fire protection system in China etc.