Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli
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  • Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli, PhD, is an Italian diplomat and lawyer, presently serving as Deputy Head of the Mission of the Italian Embassy to Doha, Qatar. He is Senior Research Associate at gLAWcal. In the past, he worked for two years with the Catholic University of Milan in the fields of Philosophy of Law and Legal Methodology. After entering the diplomatic service, he continued his research activity in law, with particular reference to the Muslim world and to the Far East. He is the author of Islamic State as a Legal Order (Routledge, 2022) and has published various articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Comparative Law, Suffolk Law Review, Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale, and Orientalia Parthenopea.