Gabriel Andrade
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  • Gabriel Andrade 
  • Fantasy und Science-Fiction 
  • Leeren

Gabriel Andrade (he/him) is an assistant professor in the College of Medicine at Ajman University, United Arab Emirates. He has previously taught at Saint Matthew's University School of Medicine (Cayman Islands), Xavier University School of Medicine (Aruba), and University of Zulia (Venezuela). He has extensive experience teaching the intricacies of ethics to medical students, and how that relates to various aspects of behavior, on both clinical and subclinical levels. He has published introductory books on the history of philosophy and has written a number of articles related to various aspects of medical ethics. His articles have focused on the ethical shortcomings of some alternative therapies in mental health. He has also focused on the ethical implications of various futurist technologies in medicine (e.g., cryonics and radical life extension).