Giovanni Verga
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Giovanni Verga was an Italian writer, playwright, and novelist, widely regarded as one of the most prominent figures in Italian literature. He was born in Catania, Sicily, and his works are closely associated with the literary movement known as verismo, which is characterized by a realistic and unembellished portrayal of everyday life, especially the lives of the lower classes. Verga was born into a well-to-do family, which allowed him to pursue his education and literary interests. He began his literary career in the 1860s with romantic novels but later shifted towards a more realistic style that focused on the lives of Sicilian peasants and fishermen. In 1872, Verga moved to Florence, and then to Milan, where he became involved with a group of writers and intellectuals who were part of the verismo movement. Influenced by the social and economic changes of the time, Verga's writing began to reflect a more critical view of society, emphasizing the harsh realities and struggles of the common people. Verga's most significant works include the novels I Malavoglia (The House by the Medlar-Tree) and Mastro-don Gesualdo, as well as numerous short stories that capture the essence of Sicilian life. Despite his initial success, Verga eventually returned to Catania, where he continued to write until his death in 1922.

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