Greg Wark
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  • Greg Wark 
  • Sprachen: 2 
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Greg Wark founded Mission Force in 1996 and currently serves as president. Prior to starting Force, Greg served as lead pastor of a congregation in Southern California, which had a large percentage of military personnel. This experience drove him to concentrate on the unique moral needs of those who serve in America's armed forces. Several years later, he began to work full time developing leaders among military and law enforcement personnel. Greg holds several postgraduate degrees, including a master's degree in theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree. His experience, education, and drive make him an excellent fit for this task.      Greg continues to be a pastor, counselor, mentor, and friend to a large group of military and law enforcement personnel spread across the United States. He also serves as a chaplain for a federal law enforcement agency. As such, Greg devotes his time, energy, and knowledge to developing positive and influential leaders who work in high-pressure environments. He also mentors military and law enforcement personnel to help them and their families cope with the emotional difficulties of their service. For Greg, the work of Mission Force is a continuation of his passion to create dynamic, positive leaders who defend the vulnerable and fulfill their civic responsibilities with excellence.      Currently, Greg is the executive vice president of Atlas Aegis LLC, a premier security firm based in Nashville, Tennessee. Greg's main responsibilities are business development and customer relations. Greg has authored three books: A Prophets Reward, A Good Death, and The Warfighter's Soul. Greg and Amber have been married for forty years and have five children, nineteen grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. They currently reside in Nashville, Tennessee.   R. T. Rodriguez (Dr. Ray) has dedicated his life to helping people in crisis while continuing to maintain a successful career as an engineer and remaining a lifelong student. Ray was born and raised in Texas to a loving family. His father, a farmer, a lifelong student himself, and a Korean War combat veteran, instilled in him a love for children and the importance of a caring environment. His father witnessed the suffering of young men enduring trauma born out of their warfare experience. During the Vietnam War, Ray himself noticed a phenomenon that has driven him to seek answers to this day: Why do two seemingly equal veterans return from war with one leading a hope-filled life and the other suffering with lifelong trauma?      While attending Texas Tech University, Ray was convinced to join the US Marine Corp. While there he learned about and found a knack for writing computer code. This career path allowed him to become a business entrepreneur with extensive experience in encoding and encryption systems engineering. His job has allowed him to work and live in multiple countries. Ray and his wife, Cheryl, have raised four children of their own and now have seven grandchildren. While raising their children, they volunteered as directors of the children and youth departments at their local church. At the same time, Ray finished up his undergraduate degree in preparation for law school and possibly entering a career in politics. After he received his juris doctorate degree, he changed course and earned a master's degree in military history and became certified as a crisis counselor.