Hanna David
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  • Hanna David 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren
Hanna David received her PhD from Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München and was a college lecturer in Psychology and Literature. Her undergraduate studies included mathematics, physics, and Hebrew literature. She is currently a counselor for gifted students and their families; lecturer in national and international conferences of psychology, education and giftedness, and an expert evaluator for the European Commission. David has published 18 books and 200+ research works. She is also a licensed Pilates instructor.

Eva Gyarmathy focused her PhD thesis written in 1996 on talent associated with specific learning difficulties. As researcher, university teacher and psychotherapist her activity directs toward the care of the profoundly gifted and multiple-exceptional talents. She is a consultant to schools that serve gifted children and adolescents who could not be integrated into mainstream schools. She founded the Atypical Development Methodology Centre, the Adolescent/Adult Dyslexia Centre and the Special Need Talent Support Council.