Hansa Bosbach
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  • Hansa Bosbach 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren

Hansa Bosbach is a lover of all things BDSM, and this passion transpires in the stories he writes. Submission is a key to freedom and sexual fulfilment, in tales full of graphic sex and well written dialogue. In his own words, "my path in writing, art, or poetry had always been one of seemingly contradictory things meshing to find balance. Transporting a reader into the depths of their imagination or showing a glimpse of the world through my eyes. Inspiring new thoughts or shifting a reader's view to a new perspective has always made me smile. Writing connects me with both strangers and those I care about. I write as a creative outlet and as a way to share my thoughts. Sometimes catharsis, sometimes simply seeking to share or create beauty. I openly write about my experiences as a Dom and the kinks I enjoy. Sensuality and sexuality both find a home in my work and inspire me to write." BERLINABLE is not simply a publisher, we are a community. We create a network of people who are connected by their need to be free and explore their sexuality. Our talented authors either write from experience or are pro connoisseurs of their writing topics. This authenticity is what makes our books so special.