Hellmut Wollmann
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  • Hellmut Wollmann 
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Hellmut Wollmann born in 1936. In 1970-71 Kennedy Memorial Fellow at Harvard University. Professor of Public Administration at the Free University of Berlin (1974 to 1993) and at Humboldt University of Berlin (1993-2003). Chairman (1980-1996) of the IPSA Research Committee on the Comparative Study of Local Politics and Government. Guest professorships among others in Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Florence and Gothenburg). Main fields of research and publications on comparative government and public administration with a focus on subnational levels. Among recent publications: Public and Social Services in Europe (co-edited with I. Kopric and G. Marcou) Palgrave 2016, Introduction to Comparative Public Administration (co-authored with S. Kuhlmann and R. Reiter), 3rd ed., Edward Elgar 2024/25.