Holm Gero Hümmler
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  • Holm Gero Hümmler 
  • Ratgeber 
  • Leeren

Holm Hümmler studied physics and completed his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich. Longer research stays took him to CERN in Geneva and Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. He now works independently as a management consultant. He is involved in the skeptics' organization GWUP and gives lectures and writes articles on, among other things, frontier areas of physics, esotericism in business and martial arts, and technological conspiracy theories. He has already published Relativer Quantenquark- Kann die moderne Physik die Esoterik belegen?

Ulrike Schiesser studied psychology at the University of Vienna and completed psychotherapy training in systemic family therapy. As an employee of the Federal Agency for Sectarian Issues, she is an expert on conflicts in the field of esotericism, on personality cults, authoritarian and appropriating group structures and conspiracy theories. She accompanies people through processes of rethinking and change and advises concerned relatives on communication strategies.