Ioan M. Ciumasu
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  • Ioan M. Ciumasu 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren
Dr. Ioan M. Ciumasu is the President of the Institute of Innovation for Transition to Sustainability – INTRAS in Paris, France. He holds a magna cum laude PhD from the Technical University Munich. He functioned as a visiting scientist at the GSF/Helmholtz Research Centre for Environmental Health, Institute of Ecological Chemistry (2001-2004), Neuherberg-Munich, Germany; Scientific coordinator of the Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Exploitation of Ecosystems (CEXDUREC) at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (UAIC) of Iasi, Romania (2005-2010); Assistant Professor/Professeur Associé and Director of the International Professional Master in Management of Eco-innovation at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) (2010-2013). Since 2010, he has been involved in research-innovation and education networks of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (Climate KIC); he has served on the selection jury of ACES Awardsby Science|Business and on the board of directors of Observatoire de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ). He is concerned with environmental technologies and knowledge management methods for urban sustainability and eco-innovation. He works on projects that bring together universities, businesses, and governmental bodies into a dynamic cross-sectoral experimentation: models, scenarios, and demonstrators.