Ivan G. Petrovski II
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  • Ivan G. Petrovski II 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

Dr. Petrovski initiated his academic and research career in 1986 at Moscow Aviation Institute in the USSR. In 1997, he relocated to Japan following an invitation from the Japan Science and Technology Agency. Specializing in GNSS technologies and ionospheric studies, he has focused on integrating theoretical foundations with practical engineering solutions.


During his tenure in the Japanese aerospace sector, which included roles at institutions now part of JAXA, Dr. Petrovski has been instrumental in advancing pragmatic innovations. His educational contributions have included regular lectures at the Tokyo GNSS International Summer School, organized by TUMSAT and the Institute of Positioning, Navigation and Timing of Japan.


Dr. Petrovski's bibliography includes two books published by Cambridge University Press, as well as numerous research papers, magazine articles and patents.