Jackelyn Viera Iloff
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  • Jackelyn Viera Iloff 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

As Senior Advisor, Jackelyn Viera Iloff maintains relationships between Joel Osteen Ministries/Lakewood Church and the Houston, Texas, community, as well as state and national leaders.  She directs and empowers a team that implements marketing and social media strategies, event planning, coordination and logistics, and outreach programs. She serves as a spokesperson for Lakewood Church and Joel Osteen Ministries on community and church-related issues.  She is an ordained minister at Lakewood Church, the largest congregation in the United States. In this role, she offers spiritual guidance and inspirational messages and is a spokesperson to the church community. Jackelyn has served at the highest levels of economic development, community outreach, and international policy coalitions as Media Liaison for the Republican National Committee and served as a Reagan administration appointee under the US Secretary of Transportation, Elizabeth Dole. She was Deputy Director of the Office of Special Projects, and developed economic initiatives and trade missions, and was the liaison to a major theme park development with the Secretary of Commerce and Trade Office for Virginia's Governor George Allen. She went on to serve as the Director of Coalitions for the Bush/Quayle campaign, and was a mid-Atlantic Public Relations Director for KPMG, one of the world's largest professional services companies specializing in accounting, tax, and consulting services—one of the Big Four auditors. She was also a key liaison to The Accountants Coalition whose efforts successfully enacted landmark tort reform legislation. Jackelyn serves on The Elizabeth Dole Foundation Faith Council and is Ministry Media Liaison to several entertainment leaders. She served as an Executive Advisor for the 18th annual NFL sanctioned Super Bowl Gospel Celebration. Jackelyn is a representative on the Greater Houston Partnership and Houston Pastor's Council. In the past, she spearheaded the anti-trafficking Hope & Freedom Walkathon, and actively collaborates with national, state, and local leaders to bring greater awareness to local issues.