Jacopo Santambrogio
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  • Jacopo Santambrogio 
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Jacopo Santambrogio, psychiatrist with phenomenological and psychoanalytic training, works in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation at Adele Bonolis - AS.FRA. Onlus Foundation, Vedano al Lambro, Italy. He also works in the field of intellectual disability and autism at the Presidio "G. Corberi" and RSD "Beato Papa Giovanni XXIII" of Limbiate, ASST Brianza and his work focusses on the study of intellectual disability, autism and associated psychiatric disorders, alongside domestic partner violence and its effects on mental health.

Frances Anderson is an independent translator. Born in Scotland in 1950, she graduated from Glasgow University and then moved to Italy. She has translated a number of books including Mirrors in the Brain (Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia, 2008), The Empathic Screen (Gallese and Guerra, 2020), Mirroring Brains (Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia, 2023).