James M. Kouzes
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James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner are educators who for over forty years have worked with thousands of students across nearly 100 different schools, collaborated with scholars who have studied student leaders, and served as leaders themselves in various capacities in higher education. The Student Leadership Challenge is used in classes and workshops on over 500 campuses, and their over a dozen books providing insights on leadership development, including their bestselling The Leadership Challenge, have sold over 3 million copies.

Lisa Shannon is a Leadership Challenge Certified Master Facilitator and President and Founder of Big Sky Bold. She partners with authors and talent development professionals to create content that promotes healthy workplaces.

Bathild Junius “June” Covington is an educator and leadership expert who teaches management and leadership courses at California State University, Chico, and Shasta College. In addition to her academic roles, she guides organizations through transformational change and fostering effective leadership.