Jay Coughlan
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  • Jay Coughlan 
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JAY COUGHLAN is a confident and inspiring leader who fosters a culture of high-integrity and openness, having served as CEO of such industry leaders as Lawson Software and XRS Corporation. During his tenure as CEO of Lawson Software, the company completed a $200 million initial public offering (IPO), while growing revenue from $200 million to $430 million. Jay's story is about hope, motivation, personal growth, faith and forgiveness. He shares with you how not to have circumstances define your life, but puts you on a journey to have your choices define your life.   Jay has built a national reputation as a keynote speaker, a CEO, and a mentor to aspiring business leaders. And he also is a convicted felon, having spent time in prison. During this dark part of his life, Jay began developing a framework for dealing with the troubles that life inevitably brings. Jay uses lessons from his own missteps to help change the paths of individuals and organizations. Jay is an active regional business advocate and has served on the board of directors for several business and currently Board Chairman of non-profit organization Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. Jay has been married to his wife, Jule, since 1987. They have three kids and currently reside in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. LARRY JULIAN is a best-selling author, speaker, and executive coach with over two decades of experience helping CEOs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners successfully lead with their faith and values. As a business coach, he helps leaders transcend challenging situations and succeed in the midst of difficulty. His passion is to help business people overcome the dilemmas that keep them from experiencing the success God intended.   Larry is founder of The Leadership Roundtable, a group of senior executives who meet monthly to discuss issues relevant to work, faith, and family. He's recently created the Emerging Leader Roundtable for aspiring next generation leaders. By transforming God's timeless wisdom into daily practical application, Roundtable members are growing and impacting their immediate spheres of influence in a wide range of industries. Larry's work has been featured in numerous publications, including The Wall StreetJournal, Inc. Magazine, CNN.com, and FORTUNE. He's also appeared on The 700 Club and The Tavis Smiley Show. In addition to God Is My CEO, Larry's business leadership books include God Is My Coach: A Business Leader's Guide to Finding Clarity in an Uncertain World and God Is My Success: Transforming Adversity into Your Destiny. Larry lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sherri and their two children.