Jen Melland
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Jen Melland lives in Washington State with her amazing husband and family. She is addicted to coffee, chocolate, and all things The Beatles. While Real Love is far from being autobiographical, she married her own real love at 19. He was the first person she ever dated who lasted past the two-week rule. Kelsey Kilgore makes her home in windswept West Texas with her husband and four children. This stay-at-home mom is the writer behind the award-winning blog HolyMama, where she candidly writes about her life and family. She likes lifting weights at the gym, off-roading in her big pickup, wake boarding, kickboxing, or engaging in other exceptionally ladylike endeavors. Sharon McAnear, the author of the beloved Jemma series, was raised in the small towns of the Texas Panhandle, where sweet companionship soothed lonely hearts and porch company abounded. An avid romance writer, Sharon enjoys portraying unusual love stories, surprising situations, and the quirks of her unforgettable characters that readers across the globe are falling in love with. Sharon lives in Colorado.